ODE TO A FOUR LETTER WORD In everyday life , this word does exist But it appears in no book , no record or list It expresses love , hate , disgust or bad luck It's a four letter word , yes you've guessed it - 'F**k'. As a verb it is transitive , active or passive The range of its use is , quite simply , massive 'To f**k , I'm F**ked , F**k you !' Oh I say The number of times it is used every day ! As a noble word it is no way respected But through every day use it is now quite accepected And in historic events both important and trivial It's use has been angry , sad or convivial ! In the Garden of Eden , in the very beginning It was the same word that invented sinning If Adam hadn't said 'Let's f**k' to his mate The world wouldn't be in this terrible state ! The Jesus himself , as he hung on his cross The stories do say , was at a real loss 'Oh dad , tell me , what the f**k have I done That you let this happen to your very own son ?' More recently , Napoleon , Hitler and Hess All got themselves into a hell of a mess And as the tried vainly passing the buck Each spoke the emortal words 'Oh f**k !' Then in '69 , the first man on the moon Neil Armstrong by name , a veritable goon He said 'Wow , I've come over all queer You know , theres no F**king gravity here !' Then in the '80s , Maggie came to power Friend and foe alike were all made to cower And when the Argies the Falklands raided 'F**k them' , she said and reinvaded ! So you can see now that this word is still here It's used be the famous , the rich and the peers It's considered to be low , 'working class' , and rude , Unsociable , unspeakable , derogatory and crude But listen to me , and hear what I say It's been here for years , and it's here to stay And if anyone complains or moans when you use it Tell them to 'F**k off and die !'