How romantic is your chap? -------------------------- (Complete the quiz below and find out just how high he scores in the romantic stakes.) His favourite name for you is ... a) Sweetness, Prettyness, Honeypie, Petal. b) Babe, Baby. c) Bunny, Squirrel Nutkin. d) Cunt. He wants to make love to you, he says... a) Nothing - but he tells you with his eyes, his hands. b) Hey babe/baby - lets get down on it. c) Kissy kissy. d) Get your frock off, Cunt. You're in the middle of a blazing row, you're most likely to end the evening... a) Laughing and hugging. b) Sharing a joint, injecting each other. c) Over his knee getting a good spanking. d) Unconscious/Told to fuck off because you're a cunt. His favourite part of you is ... a) every little bit of you. b) breasts, buttocks. c) Your funny little nose. d) Cunt.